In case you haven’t received the notice, San Fernando Family Law Court is transferring all their divorce cases to Chatsworth. This move became effective November 17, 2014. The Family Law Facilitator and Family Court Services are also relocating to the Chatsworth Court.
From what it seems all California Family Law related personnel are moving as well. Cases previously heard at San Fernando’s Department L will be heard at Chatsworth Court’s department F-46. Cases previously heard at San Fernando’s Department K will be heard in department F-48.
A new Restraining Order Court will be opened in Department F-51 of the Chatsworth Courthouse to conduct hearings regarding the need for permanent injunctive release for domestic violence, temporary restraining orders (TROs,) or civil harassment cases.
Chatsworth Divorce Court is a lot less crowded and more expedient than most of the courthouses I frequent in Los Angeles. The parking situation is definitely much better too but parking is not free so you’ll want to have $6 ready for that.
Your life, children, and financial future are of the utmost importance and such should not be left to gamble with in a Court of Law. It is in your best interest to hire an experienced lawyer and family law specialist for the best possible outcome no matter what your family law situation is.