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3699 Wilshire Blvd. Ste 700, Los Angeles, CA 90010 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm +1-213-387-4508

The Essential Guide on How to Divorce Someone You Can’t Find

Wondering how to divorce someone you can’t find? Divorce is complicated enough without the added stress of an absent spouse. This no-nonsense guide will walk you through the legal steps to untangle your marriage, detailing the filing process, serving your spouse in absentia, and navigating the complexities of assets and child custody.

Key Takeaways

  • Divorcing an absent spouse is permissible under Florida law, and it begins with filing a divorce petition, but courts require evidence of diligent attempts to locate the missing spouse.

  • If direct service fails, alternative service methods like publication or posting at the courthouse can be used, subject to court approval after demonstrating extensive search efforts.

  • A default divorce may proceed if the absent spouse does not respond after service by publication, though this can complicate matters such as the division of assets and child custody.

Initiating Divorce When Your Spouse is MIA

Illustration of a person holding divorce papers

Have you decided to untie the marital knot but find yourself alone in the ring, without the slightest clue about your spouse’s whereabouts? You’re not alone. Florida’s legal system acknowledges such predicaments, and yes, you can still file for divorce. The first step in this legal journey is to file a divorce petition with your local county superior court. This document lays the groundwork for your pending divorce, setting in motion a process that respects your right to move forward, even if your partner seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

Legal Hurdles in Filing Divorce Papers

The divorce process can be daunting when your spouse is conspicuously absent. The most significant challenge? Serving them the divorce papers. When traditional delivery methods turn fruitless because your spouse is elusive or their location is unknown, the legal system flexes its muscles to offer alternatives. However, before you can leap to these alternatives, you must show the court you’ve made diligent efforts to find your spouse—efforts that stand up to the court’s scrutiny. It’s a test of perseverance, requiring proof that you’ve left no stone unturned in your search before the court allows you to take the road less traveled.

Demonstrating Diligent Search Efforts

Finding your spouse can feel like a detective’s quest, demanding thorough examination of every potential lead. Courts demand evidence of your diligent search, a breadcrumb trail documenting your earnest attempts to know where your spouse is. To locate your spouse, you may have:

  • Knocked on doors

  • Scoured social media

  • Checked with family members

  • Searched for public records that might reveal your spouse’s last known address or if they’re behind bars

When the process server comes back empty-handed, the level of your diligence must be crystal clear in the documentation you provide the court, with marshal service attesting to your efforts.

Requesting Court Permission for Alternative Service Methods

After establishing that your spouse is nowhere to be found, you can then petition the court to use alternative methods for serving the crucial divorce papers. Filing a motion to serve by publication or posting at the courthouse might be your next strategic move. If the court nods in approval, you can have the divorce summons plastered at the courthouse for the world to see, or tucked away in the classifieds of a local newspaper. Beware, though; the court isn’t easily swayed. It will insist on a certain caliber of search before it permits you to sidestep the usual face-to-face service. And if the court suspects there’s still a chance to reach your spouse through more conventional means, it may very well deny your request.

The Role of Publication in the Divorce Process

Illustration of a newspaper with 'Notice of Divorce' headline

If all attempts to serve your spouse directly prove futile, a divorce by publication emerges as a viable alternative. It’s a legal shout-out, a last-resort broadcast to inform your missing spouse that the divorce train is leaving the station. Crafting a Motion to Serve by Publication and obtaining a judge’s order marks the beginning of this public quest. Your announcement will echo through the pages of a local newspaper, once a week for four consecutive weeks, hoping to reach the ears of your spouse, wherever they might be hiding.

As the 28th day after the initial publication date fades into history, your duty to notify is fulfilled, and the court considers service complete. Don’t forget to submit an affidavit of publication—a paper trail confirming your legal notice message has been broadcasted to the winds.

Financial and Custodial Considerations Without a Spouse’s Involvement

Illustration of a judge with a gavel making custodial decisions

Your spouse’s absence can complicate matters of property division and child custody decisions. A default divorce, where the missing partner plays no role, can dramatically tilt the scales of asset allocation, spousal support, and decisions regarding your children. Without your spouse’s input, the court steps in as the arbiter of your financial fate, slicing the marital pie according to state laws and the evidence you present.

It’s a solitary battle where the judge’s gavel dictates the division of your shared life, from the roof over your head to the dollars in your bank account.

Addressing Child Custody and Support

In the delicate dance of child custody and child support, the court takes center stage, ensuring your children’s needs are the priority, even when your partner is out of the picture. As a solo performer, your role as a parent is scrutinized, and the stability you offer becomes pivotal in the court’s decision-making.

Should you seek professional guidance? Absolutely. A qualified divorce attorney can be your choreographer, helping you navigate the complex steps to secure the best outcome for your little ones.

Division of Assets and Debts

When it comes to splitting the marital treasure chest, an absent spouse complicates the process. It’s the judge who, like a skilled appraiser, must examine the contents and determine what belongs to whom, all without the input of your vanished partner. The examination goes deep, distinguishing between the assets and debts accumulated during the marriage and those gathered before or after—each piece labeled as either community or personal property.

Commingled assets are the trickiest of them all, a tangled web of shared and individual riches that the judge must painstakingly unravel. In states like California, the rules are clear-cut: what’s earned during the marriage is split evenly, but what’s yours before or after remains solely in your hands.

Moving Forward with a Default Divorce

Illustration of legal documents with 'Default Divorce' stamp

With the echo of your published notice fading away and no sign of a response, the doors to a default divorce swing open. This is the legal equivalent of a one-sided conversation: the court hears your voice, and in the absence of a rebuttal, it nods in agreement. Once the 59th day after publication passes without a peep from your spouse, you can hasten to the courthouse, request to enter default, and file a motion to solidify your solo claim. In contrast to a no fault divorce, this type of divorce is granted when one party is unresponsive.

At the default hearing, come armed with all your divorce documents, including the serve divorce papers—the court is ready to listen and to pen the final chapter of your divorce saga.

Reducing Costs and Filing Fees

While divorce can be emotionally and financially draining, various strategies can help mitigate its financial impact. Exploring alternative divorce processes like mediation can keep your bank account from bleeding out. Rolling up your sleeves and getting your financial records in order can also cut down on attorney hours—and their bills.

And when it comes to communicating with your legal team, emails can be a cost-effective carrier pigeon, delivering your messages without the premium price of phone calls.

Applying for Fee Waivers

Financial constraints should not hinder your pursuit of freedom. If court fees are overwhelming, you might consider a fee waiver to help navigate the potentially high expenses. With a confidential financial affidavit in hand, you can ask the court for a reprieve, presenting your case that the fees are beyond your means. Covered by this financial shield are not just the initial filing fees but also other costs like service of process and court reporter fees.

Remember, this waiver is a temporary companion, valid for 60 days post-divorce unless the court decides your fortunes have changed for the better.

Utilizing Affordable Legal Services

The legal process can be intimidating, particularly when your spouse is nowhere to be found, making the presence of an advocate crucial. Legal aid and pro bono services rise as knights for those in need, offering counsel without plundering your purse.

These affordable legal services are the allies you need to ensure your divorce is fair and your voice is heard, even if you’re battling the shadows alone.

The Impact of Military Service on the Divorce Process

If your spouse is in military service, the process and rules for divorce may vary. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act stands as a shield, protecting those on active duty from the arrows of civil actions such as divorce. Before you charge into battle, you must affirm that your spouse is not under this protective cloak, or if they are, that they consent to the divorce proceedings.

If your spouse refuses to cooperate and is indeed on active duty and unreachable, the SCRA will call a ceasefire, pausing proceedings to ensure they have a chance to stand their ground.

Navigating State-Specific Divorce Laws

Illustration of a map with state-specific legal symbols

The divorce process varies from state to state, with each having its unique set of laws and requirements, so it’s important to understand these differences. For instance, establishing residency is akin to securing a passport to proceed with divorce in states like Georgia, where you must plant your feet for at least 6 months.

When children are passengers on this journey, the court must anchor its authority in the state where your children have laid their heads.


As we arrive at the end of this guide, take a moment to reflect on the path we’ve traveled. From the initial steps of filing a divorce petition to navigating the complexities of absent spouses, state laws, and financial intricacies, you now possess the map to journey through the divorce process with confidence. Let this be your guiding light, illuminating the path to a new chapter in your life, one where you stand empowered and unburdened by the shadows of the past.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t afford the filing fees for my divorce?

If you can’t afford the filing fees for your divorce, you can apply for a fee waiver by demonstrating financial hardship to the court with evidence of your income, expenses, or public benefits. This could potentially lead to the waiver of various fees.

Can I still get a divorce if my spouse is in the military and deployed?

Yes, you can still get a divorce if your spouse is in the military and deployed, but you must comply with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, which may involve waiting until they are no longer on active duty or obtaining their consent to proceed.

How do I serve divorce papers if I don’t know where my spouse lives?

If you are unable to locate your spouse, you can ask the court for permission to serve the divorce papers through publication in a newspaper after demonstrating diligent efforts to find them. This may be allowed by the court if other methods fail.

Will I need a lawyer if I’m filing for a default divorce?

Yes, it’s highly recommended to consult a lawyer when filing for a default divorce, especially for complex matters such as child custody.

How does the court handle property division if my spouse can’t be found?

The court will make decisions based on state law and the information you provide. It is crucial to present a clear picture of your assets and debts for the court to divide them fairly.

Charles M. Green is Certified as a California Family Law Specialist through the Board of Legal Specialization of the State Bar of California. He has worked extensively in both financial accounting fields and as a litigation attorney specializing in Family Law Cases. He is also diversely experienced in a number of other legal practice areas of importance to individuals, families, and businesses.

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